Donate to FuRRR Feline Rescue


FuRRR Feline Rescue operates entirely on the generous contributions and dedicated efforts of volunteers who devote their time to cat care.

We are a 100% volunteer-driven non-profit feline rescue organization.

What does this mean?

  • We depend 100% on public donations and available grants
  • We function without any paid personnel or roles
  • Board members nor volunteers draw any profits from their association with FuRRR
  • All supplies, food, time, and financial contributions are directed toward the functioning of our rescue group
  • Please visit the GuideStar Rating for FuRRR about our organization

See where your donations go!

Therefore, you can have complete peace of mind that your donation will be utilized to rescue and care for as many cats as possible!

As a bonus, all donations are tax-deductible!

Betsey Emergency Fund Information

Pearl Needs Your Help!
Pearl Needs Your Help!
Pearl Needs Your Help!

URGENT: Pearl Needs Your Help!

Pearl, a gentle cat with a striking one-eyed gaze, urgently needs your help! Rescued from the streets with a loss of one eye, she’s recommended to undergo surgery to prevent infection in her enucleated eye. Pearl’s spirited purrs and resilience have touched everyone at FuRRR Feline Rescue.

Your donation today will fund her necessary treatment, allowing this brave little soul to enjoy a life full of comfort and love. Join us in giving Pearl the gift of a pain-free future—every dollar brings her closer to healing!

Please see the attached estimate from our veterinarian.

Our Wish List!

Our support is crucial in ensuring the well-being of our feline friends. Our wishlist is quite extensive, reflecting the diverse needs of the rescue. At the top of our list are essentials like cat food, litter, and bedding to provide comfort and sustenance to the cats. Additionally, toys and enrichment items can help improve the cats’ quality of life during their stay. Donations of time and effort are equally valuable as you provide them with care and attention. Your contribution, whether in the form of supplies or your volunteer work, truly makes a difference in the lives of these cats, and we’re grateful for your support in making their shelter experience as pleasant as possible!

FuRRR Feline Rescue - Cat Rescue in NH - Registered Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
FuRRR Non-Profit Cat Rescue
