Information & ResourcesWhat is FIV/FeLV Test for Cats?


What is an FIV/FeLV Test for Cats and Why is it Important?

When adopting or rescuing a cat, one of the most important initial steps is having them tested for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus). These two viruses are common feline infectious diseases, and both can have serious long-term affects on a cat’s health. Early testing helps protect not only the individual cat but also other cats in the household or rescue environment.

What are FIV and FeLV?

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV):
Often referred to as “feline AIDS,” FIV is a virus that weakens a cat’s immune system, making them more susceptible to infections, dental disease, and certain cancers. However, FIV-positive cats can live long, happy lives with proper care. FIV is most commonly transmitted through deep bite wounds, so it is more common in unneutered outdoor male cats.

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV):
FeLV is a contagious retrovirus that can cause immune system suppression, anemia, and increase the risk of developing certain cancers like lymphoma. FeLV is spread through close contact—mutual grooming, sharing food bowls, or even from mother to kitten. It is more easily transmitted than FIV and can shorten a cat’s lifespan, though some FeLV-positive cats can live for several years without symptoms.

What is an FIV/FeLV Test?

The FIV/FeLV test, often referred to as a “combo test,” is a simple blood test used to detect the presence of FIV antibodies and FeLV antigens in a cat’s bloodstream. It is a critical tool for veterinarians and rescues to assess a cat’s viral status.

  • FIV antibodies: The test looks for antibodies, meaning if antibodies are present, the cat has likely been infected with FIV.

  • FeLV antigens: The test detects antigens from the FeLV virus, indicating active infection.

The test is often performed using a few drops of blood and provides results in about 10-15 minutes.

When Should a Cat Be Tested?

  • Newly adopted cats and kittens

  • Cats with unknown medical history

  • Sick or symptomatic cats (e.g., weight loss, chronic infections, poor coat condition, anemia)

  • Before introducing a new cat into a home with existing cats

  • Kittens born to mothers with unknown FIV/FeLV status

How Accurate is the Test?

The initial combo test is highly useful but not always definitive. For instance:

  • FIV-positive kittens may test positive because of maternal antibodies and should be retested after 6 months of age.

  • FeLV-positive results might need confirmation with more specific tests like an IFA (Immunofluorescence Assay) or PCR test, especially if the cat is healthy but tests positive.

Veterinarians typically recommend follow-up testing to confirm the diagnosis, especially for FIV or FeLV-positive results.

Why is FIV/FeLV Testing Important?

  • Protects other cats: Both viruses can be spread to other cats, so knowing a cat’s status is critical, especially in multi-cat households or shelters.

  • Guides treatment and care: FIV or FeLV-positive cats may need specialized care such as stress reduction, regular vet checkups, and keeping them indoors.

  • Informs adoption decisions: While FIV and FeLV-positive cats can make wonderful pets, adopters need to be informed about their special needs and health monitoring.

Can FIV/FeLV be Treated?

There is no cure for FIV or FeLV, but many infected cats live fulfilling lives with supportive care.

  • FIV-positive cats can live many years if kept indoors and provided with regular veterinary care.

  • FeLV-positive cats may have a shorter life expectancy but can still enjoy high-quality lives, especially in stress-free, indoor-only environments.

Vaccines are available for FeLV (not FIV) and are often recommended for cats at higher risk, such as outdoor cats or those in shelters.


FIV/FeLV testing is a crucial first step in managing a cat’s health and preventing the spread of these viruses to other feline companions. Whether you are adopting, rescuing, or just looking out for your pet’s well-being, early detection gives you the knowledge needed to provide the best care possible.

FuRRR Feline Rescue - Cat Rescue in NH - Registered Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
FuRRR Non-Profit Cat Rescue
